Kyiv Friday-Saturday 04.03.2022-05.03.2022

Friday morning war update: Death of glasnost&perestroika era – state-terrorist takes mask off

I had many bright and polite thoughts this morning, thinking of coming update. But having seen and touched too much pain and sorrow during (...)
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Ukraine Thursday morning 03.03.2022

Pentecostals, Baptists, Catholics, Muslisms and Orthodoxs prayed in one accord for a miracle from above. Photo: R. Lehtonen

168 hours (a whole week!!) of tears, prayers, and battles. None of military experts believed Ukraine can stand so(...)
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Kyiv Wednesday morning 02.03.2022

Ukraine Wednesday morning update:

7th day of premeditated, unprovoked, unjustified and unconscionable war in Ukraine. My bleeding nation stands strong due to many prayers and action.  

“Churches basements in Kherson region(...)
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Kyiv Tuesday update 01.03.2022

The churches in Ukraine and Russia are praying for peace. Photo: Archive Pentecostal Union

Tuesday morning update/Varenyky are coming!

Ukraine is in smoke this morning due to aviation, missiles and tanks attacks during the night. But the(...)
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Kyiv, Monday morning 28.02.2022

God Almighty is at work! I hear it from everyone.

Russian rockets dropped without explosion. Promised IL-76 and Grad never showed up. Enemy tanks run out of fuel suddenly. Russian occupants demoralized and got lost. They walk in fields and (...)
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