Are the peoples of Europe reached by the gospel, so that Jesus can come back?

Among many Finn-Ugric people groups in Russia, there are less than 0.06% evangelical Christians. Photo: Rauli. Lehtonen

On All Saint´s Day, I passed a tent in central part of Gothenburg, where Muslims had set up an exhibition stand for Islam. The cat-sized letters communicated: Islam is the most growing religion in the world. Passers-by were told about the goodness of Islam, leaflets were handed out and assured that Muslims are peace-loving, happy, adherents of the true religion – join us!

Unfortunately, during my walk around the city, I did not encounter any evangelical Christians, sharing the gospel to the people, even though the entire population of half a million seemed to be on the move. How could this be possible? I believe – honestly – that as Nordic Christians we have forgotten that Europe is the most unreached continent in the world for the gospel and that some indigenous ethnic groups are the least evangelized peoples on our continent!

One of the Pentecostal Churches in Gothenburg is located on Redbergsplatsen, where seven congregations operate within a radius of 150 meters – but that does not mean that all the peoples of Europe have already been reached by the gospel. Photo: Rauli Lehtonen

According to recent statistics from Operation World, the percentage of evangelical Christians in Africa, Australia, and South and North America is about 17-21%. In Asia, their rate is only 3.5 %, while in Europe it is as low as 2.5 %! How can we respond to this great mission challenge of our time?

Pictured is a team action group in Mongolia. Asia, along with Europe, is one of the least evangelized continents in the world. 3.5% of its population is considered evangelical Christians, according to Operation World. Photo: Petri Nurminen

Migrants and unreached peoples

In 2023, Europe had a population of 450 million, of which 43 million, or 9%, were born outside the EU. The number of people seeking political asylum was highest for those from Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey. When you consider that people from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt and Iraq also fit into the top 10 refugee groups, I understand that the majority are Muslims. How can we save them for Christ, or do we see them only as a burden, or as dangerous strangers?

There are countries in Europe where national churches are nothing more than museum items. In Balkans and especially in Bosnia, there is thought to have been a growing pre-Protestant movement in the 1100s, which flourished as so-called Bogomils. The faith was spread out to the region through Serbia. Today, there are less than 2,000 Evangelicals among the 4 million Bosnians. In recent years, missionaries from Belarus, Serbia and Ukraine have worked in neighbouring Montenegro. Their estimate is that the number of national Evangelicals is less than 250.

Montenegro is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe – but the number of Evangelicals is just over a couple hundred. Photo: Aarno Korpela

There are also unreached people groups in Spain and behind the new Iron Curtain in Russia, where ethnic people groups like Mordvinians and Mari people live, who are related to Finns, Estonians and Hungarians. According to Jesus4Eurasia, there are even fewer evangelical believers among them than among the Basques, Catalans or Galicians in Spain, i.e. less than 0.06%.

Nordic prayer campain

At the turn of the year, Key Media in Finland and Pentecostal churches in Sweden and Norway will launch a prayer campaign for the unreached peoples of Eurasia. The time has come when we should finish the task, which was given by Jesus to the apostels and also reach our own continent with the gospel. Let us remember that ”the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working”—even in Europe (James 5:16)!

Prayer for the peoples of Eurasia has already begun. In Finland, more than 50 churches have already ”adopted” an unreached people group from Eurasia. Has your church already made any choices of where to focus your intersession? Photo: R. Lehtonen

Rauli Lehtonen, Jesus4Eurasia

(Translated from Finnish by Google translate)



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4 kommentarer

  1. Tack för din intressanta blog. Jag såg längre upp på denna sida ett fält där man kunder prenumerera på din blog. Jag antar att jag står som prenumerant. Om så inte är fallet, sä får du gärna notera mig som prenumerant.


    Thank you for your interesting blog. I saw further up on this page a field, where you can subscribe to your blog. I guess I am listed as a subscriber. If that is not the case, so please feel free to note me as a subscriber.

  2. Pascal Andréasson

    Great blogg. Thx. There are many reasons for the lack of Christian growth in Europe. Secualarisation, materialism etc. But one of them is also our trust (also within churches) and high esteem for the Christendom-era and the wish for a Christian culture to rule our societies. This is esteemed higher than Christian discipleship. The fight for Christendom is supported even by non-believers but the fight for proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ as King is not. The later is costly and we are not willing to pay the price.

  3. Petro Syniuk

    ”Today, there are less than 2,000 Evangelicals among the 4 million Bosnians.”
    This is very optimistic numbers. Evangelical churches are stagnating. The real number is much smaller. No more than 1000 (maybe 600).
    Pray for the missionaries serving in the Western Balkans!

    • Rauli Lehtonen

      Thank you so much Peter Syniuk. I think it´s very important to know, that the numbers, which are circulating in West are very often too optimistic. Operation World is using the number 1541 Evangelicals from 2001. I think your number ”from the field” looks more realistic.

      This emphasizes the importance of praying, acting and doing even more for missions in Bosnia. Thank you that you are there. Let your light shine in the darkness even during this Christmas!

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