Pray for Christians in Belarus

Are Christians suffering in Minsk? Photo: R. Lehtonen

The situation for our brothers and sisters in Belarus has become challenging. Christmas time for Evangelicals was an important possibility in focusing prayers for peace and revival. During the last two years Protestants have planted many new churches and hundreds of new believers have been baptized. The tensions in the society are however increasing and some cases of discrimination against Christians have been known through media. Now the need for prayer support is exremely important.

Just before Christmas I received greetings from the New Life Church in Minsk. They ask for intresession. Please read the the short extract from their letter below. If you want to get the whole message with more details, you can leave a reply and/or a comment after the text, or send us a message. Then we will try to send you more information from Belarus, so that your church could pray more concrete.

R. Lehtonen


Dear friends, 

Our church has been through many trials and battles: having no church building for years, then rebuilding the old cowbarn into our sanctuary. However, last summer and up to this moment, we have been going through a real battle of faith.
The church has been the owner of the building since 2002 until its eviction on February 17th, 2021. When moving out of the building, believers were not allowed to take the majority of belongings on the property. Later is has been plundered and looted (even prior to the demolition of the building).


The church has practically switched to online services due to the impossibility of renting premises in the city. There is only one church in Minsk that is able to provide our church their auditorium twice a month for a Sunday evening service. Numerous programs and projects have all been cancelled and are operating in home group mode, including the work of youth and children’s ministries.



We ask all the praying people and churches to lift up your voice with us, just like the nation of God did in the times of Esther. May God’s victorious deliverance come and the evil Haman does not see the desired destruction of God’s church. We need the deliverance now!

***If you would like to give to the church, please reply to this email for the details. Our church blesses you.
May God strengthen you and give you wisdom in everything you do. We will be happy to hear from you as well.


The Mongolian Church is growing


Prayer breakfast in Moscow – don´t forget us! (by Kai Partti)

6 kommentarer

  1. Carina Fredriksson

    God’s peace!

    Thank you for this greeting! We need correct information, it is important that we stand together before God’s throne regardless of geographical location.

    Your church is desired by God. He will provide the right tools to continue building His kingdom of purity and restoration until He Himself returns. Nothing is hidden from Him. No member is forgotten by Him. God is always our Lord regardless of the situation.

    I would like to receive more greetings from Belarus.



    I’ve noticed, the home page is out of order. Closed down by authorities, probably.

    • Rauli Lehtonen

      Hm … Very sad. I think you might be right Janis. It shows something about authorities, if they can not tolerate the message of peace and freedom.
      The whole world needs to know that Jesus Christ is born and that he will be back and judge both living and dead!
      Hope that we are using all the possible ways to preach the gospel through all channels as long as we can do it …

  3. Lise och Åke

    Återigen, Rauli, tack för viktig information!

    Så sorgligt att myndigheter behandlar våra syskon och deras kyrkor, möteslokaler på detta skamliga sätt!

    Tack Herre för att du ser och vet – tack för att du svarar på våra böner även i dag!

    Translation: Thank you again Rauli for important information.

    So sad that the authorities are handling so shameful against our brothers and sisters in their churches and places for meetings!
    Thank you Lord that you see and know – thank you that you are answering their prayers even today!

  4. Leif Backman

    Tack Rauli för Din information. Den här församlingen har under en längre tid varit utsatt för myndigheternas olika påhopp. Det är svårt att få någon klar bild om hur det står till i landet för övriga församlingar, men klart är att de behandlas väldigt olika i olika landsdelar. Tyvärr har myndigheterna lyckats i sitt uppsåt att kväva uttalanden från enskilda personer. Allt kan tolkas som ”förtal mot staten” och bestraffas kraftigt. Den enda väg som finns ut ur detta förtryck är intensifierad bön. Vid ett av mina första besök i landet (för 30 år sedan) mötte mig en äldre broder som höll mina axlar, tittade mig i ögonen och sade: ”Allt Ni gör för oss (humanitär hjälp) är bra men glöm inte att bedja för oss. Just nu ser det lite ljusare ut men det kommer inte alltid att vara så”. Utan att veta det fick han vara profet.

    OBSERVE that you can get google translation of this important text from Swedish language!

  5. Patrick Ölund

    Thank you Rauli,

    I would like to receive further information.



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