Ukraine Weekly Update, June 3rd 2022

As today is coming to a close, one number remains in the mind of every Ukrainian: 100 

100 days of a full-scale invasion and war. 

100 days of pain, suffering, and tragedy on an immense scale. 

100 days of unity, miracles, and cooperation. 

100 days of a new reality for every Ukrainian in the world. 


In the south, the russian army continues to shell Mykolaiv and cities around it, while the Ukrainian army is slowly progressing its counterattack. The city of Kherson continues to be the only major regional center occupied since the beginning of the war. 

In the east, russian forces continue fierce attacks on Ukrainian positions. The battle for Severodonetsk, in the Luhansk region, is ongoing, the city is partially under russian control. Virtually all towns within reach of russian artillery are being shelled. russian forces are making territorial progress in certain areas, but neither side has achieved significant strategic victories over the last week. Overall, the situation in the east can be characterised as very hard and complicated. 

In the north, while the russian army has withdrawn, the belarussian army is constantly conducting movements that look similar to preparation for an attack. While the risk of a genuine invasion from the belarus forces remains low, they still actively participate in the war by supporting russian troops and putting pressure on Ukraine’s northern border. 

War crimes and crimes against humanity

The russian forces daily commit recognized and verifiable war crimes. They shell civilian infrastructure with precision missiles, annihilate residentail areas with thermobaric bombs, and kill civilians and children with artillery shells and airstrikes.

The official (UN) number of civilian deaths is 4,113. The confirmed and independently verified number of casualties among children is 261 dead and 463 wounded. Both numbers are far from the actual ones, as casualties in occupied areas, such as Mariupol, cannot be comprehensively calculated and verified. Since it is estimated that from 20,000 to 50,000 civilians died in Mariupol alone, it is safe to assume that the real number of casualties is many times over the current official number. 

20% of Ukraine’s territory is currently under russian occupation. The harsh reality of a police state is being spread to those areas. Freedom of speech is suppressed, people are illegally arrested, there are reports of torture and summary executions. 


As of June 3rd, according to the UN, 4,712,784 Ukrainian refugees are now recorded across Europe.

Yuri K., Kyiv


Wonderful music – shows solidarity for Ukraine


Russia and Ukraina – praying together

  1. Veikko Hekkala

    Ainoa mitä voimme todellisesti tehdä: RUKOILLA.
    Kaikki mitä tuo sana pitää sisällä, eri asia on olenko t. olemmeko valveutuneita, Herra armahda ihan oikein meitä.


    The only thing we can do in fact: PRAY.
    Everything, which the word includes. The other thing is, if we ar really awake. May Lord be mercyful against us.

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