Wonderful music – shows solidarity for Ukraine

Photo: Heli Berg

Pekka Simojoki is one of the most loved composers of Christian music in Finland. He is a son of missionaries, who worked in Ovamboland in Africa for many years. Already then Pekka grew up with music as an integrated part of his daily life.

Pekka Simojoki has a Master in theology. He has done 600 Christian songs and published 30 audio recordings. His songs have been translated to many other languages.

If you click on the arrow below, you can listen to a wonderful melody and message ”They will never get our hearts”, which easily refers to the reality and sufferings, which the Ukrainians are struggling with – just today, just now.

If you can’t see the subtitles when you watch the video you can turn them on by clicking the subtitbles icon at the bottom of the video (left to the white gear icon). A red line will appear under the icon when closed captions have been enabled. Alternatively, you can press the C button on your keyboard to enable/disable subtitles.

Rauli Lehtonen


Saturday war update (59th day) of the Big War


Ukraine Weekly Update, June 3rd 2022

2 kommentarer

  1. Carina

    Wonderful! Great blessing through this song and music!

  2. Veikko Hekkala

    Kunnia kiitos Jumalalle, saamme kulkea voittosaatossa!! Hän meissä on voittaja.

    Glory and thanks to God, we can follow Him to victory !! He makes our lives victorius

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