Saturday war update (59th day) of the Big War

Children are victims of the war, but also praying for each other. Photo: R. Lehtonen

On the Easter eve, Ukrainians were preparing to celebrate this one of the major Christian holidays. It had to be a positive weekend with, at least, minor hope that the russia, which presents itself in its propaganda as a defender of the Christian values, would put on pause its attacks.

Instead, the russians launched missile attacks on Odesa. One of the most beautiful Ukrainian cities with amazing people. Historically, having strong russian presence and heritage in the city, the Kremlin expected to take it under control in 2014, but the Odesites have demonstrated since then that they want to have nothing in common with the ’russian world’.

And today, the russians reminded why civilized people should have nothing in common with those barbarians. The russian missiles killed 8 civilians in Odesa, including a mother and her 3-month old baby. Entire Ukraine is grieving with Odesa. Entire Ukraine is standing with Odesa.

Слава Україні! 

Yuri K., Kyiv


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  1. Veikko Hekkala

    Vain Jumalamme voi luoda uutta. Jos ihminen tahtoo hän saa todeta sen todeksi.

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