Tuesday war update from Kyiv (day 55)

Ukrainian military expert stated during news marathon two days ago that 9 000 (you read it right, nine thousand) of different caliber, type and range artillery shells and rockets did not explode when reached the goal! 400 of them – aviation bombs! Most people when learn it, state undoubtedly – it is God!

“For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in his dwelling, He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon the rock” (Ps.27.5)

Dear friends, your faithfulness in prayer made it possible! Thank you all very much!

Yuri K., Kyiv


Easter Greeting from Baptists in Ukraine


Ukrainian Pentecostal leader challenged UN leadership

3 kommentarer

  1. Carina Fredriksson

    Dear brother!

    Thanks again for writing. As I read it, a few verses came to mind from Psalm 84: 6, The Swedish Bible;

    ”Blessed are those who have their strength in You, who have Your ways in their heart”.

    We continue to pray for the end of the conflict, for continued wisdom and strength from the Lord. He knows his people. He alone bears the name of the Lord and is our salvation.

    Send greetings to all the brothers and sisters. As you read this, Yuri, I wish you all the protection and blessing.


  2. Veikko Hekkala

    Kunnia ja ylistys Jumalalle !! Hän MINÄ OLEN

    Glory to God !! I am THE ONE

  3. Jouko Ruohomäki

    Uskomatonta! Jumalalle on kaikki mahdollista!


    Unbelievable! Everything is possible for God!

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