Tuesday morning, Kyiv 15.03.2022 (20th day)

Soon the sowing time will start in Ukraine, if … If not, there will be lack of food in the Nordic countries and perhaps also in Central Europe. Photo: K @ P Kaatrasalo

Kremlin terrorist destroys Ukrainian cities and villages (Kyiv pics are below). People are tired of the war. The world is getting tired of Ukraine…

But Ukrainian villagers start agricultiral season. These tractors (don’t miss the video) run to fields in Kherson region yesterday. The start earlier always due to climate. They work hoping for future harvest! https://www.facebook.com/zagranichny/videos/540421364008554/

Everyone has a role these days. Just do our small part and we’ll be amazed of results.https://www.facebook.com/100004170075716/videos/1902885796527071/

Getting tired let’s remember Scripture ”..those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and will not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint” (Is.40.31)

Back to work, guys! Put aside your device.

Yuri K, Kyiv


Important appeal for Ukraine 13.03.2022


Thursday morning update 17.03.2022 Kyiv

2 kommentarer

  1. Carina Fredriksson

    Dear Yuri!
    Today I saw the first flower of spring, crocus, in my garden. It reminded me that there will be new times of light and warmth. Nothing can change God’s love and plan for every person.

    We are reminded of our Jewish friends that now they celebrate Purim, their freedom. We continue to pray for immediate freedom in this difficult situation.

    We include every word in your email in prayer.

    Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:10 ”I have nothing but in the Lord I have everything”. We ask God for possibility to have everything you need. Everything.

    Warm regards and deep respect for all you do.


    • Rauli Lehtonen

      Thank you so much for your wonderful message Carina. I hope and believe it was from God. Be blessed! God will bless and defend Ukraine!

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