Some days after the Congress we got the news that the council of ministers and the Albanian Government have withdrawn from their proposals to change the Family code and the Law of Adoption.
Dear Rauli
We pray you are doing well and experiencing God’s strength and peace in this troubled time.
We have fantastic news. The Albanian Government Withdrew from the attempts to change the Family Code and Law of adoption.
At the end of this letter, you will read more about this.
Please allow us to share a little update on the latest developments.
The trial
As some of you already know, the trial that was supposed to happen on the 18th of February 2022, was canceled. Court officials notified us that the judge can’t come one hour prior to the supposed court time and that they will notify us of another court date.
There was a decision made today by the court, that the next hearing date is on the 24th of March 2022. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Please continue to do so as we need to see God intervene here to protect the Freedom of Faith and free speech in Albania.
The Congress
On the 19th of February 2022, we as a family coalition organized the first-ever national family Congress, which included leaders from various political wings as well as the Christian and Muslim communities. The President of Albania Mr. Ilir Meta, members of parliament, Mrs. Faust (the founder and leader of USA-based organization on children’s rights), University professors, media personalities, were among speakers in the Congress.

It is the First time in more than 100 years that a group like this comes together and decides to stand firm for a National issue.
Together with the leadership of Gospel of Christ Church and many Albanian pastors and missionaries we had a week of prayer and fasting 24/7 to prepare spiritually for the Congress.
The Congress was a real success and had an impact on the nation. Ten different TV Channels participated and 4 of them broadcasted the Congress live in real-time,
After the Congress, the president invited us to visit him in his office.
So, on Monday we accepted his invitation, and while in his office he assured us of his support and asked us to stand strong for the Albanian Family and for the freedom of our country. He mentioned that Albania is chosen to be an experimental country for various things from liberal agendas and forces that are trying to control the country and its future.

We are aware that the pressure from the EU is hard on our government to change the Family code and the law of adoption but we believe in the power of prayer and in our God who hears the cries of His people.
Excellent news
Some days after the Congress we got the news that the council of ministers and the Albanian Government have withdrawn from their proposals to change the Family code and the Law of Adoption. Please find attached the PDF letter from the Parliament where they confirm this to us as a Family Coalition.
This was beyond what we could have expected or dreamed, as the pressure was great and most of the people believed that we were fighting a lost battle. This has strengthened our faith and our dependency on God.
God did it and He takes the Glory and the Honour forever and ever.
The Coalition has got the support of the majority of our people as more than 99% of Albanians don’t want the changes that are being forced on us. We believe that with God’s help and the support of like-minded people and our international friends, the battle for freedom in Albania has got a chance too.
We don’t want to see Albania going back to the most severe communist regime in the world
and we are ready to stand for the Gospel, Family, and Freedom of our nation no matter what.

Thank you friends for your help and support
We are truly blessed to have you fight these battles in prayers with us,
May God richly bless you and protect you,
With love in Christ
Pastor Akil and Linda Pano
P.S With God, nothing is impossible.
“who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.”
Hebrews 11:33-34 NIV
Martti Ahvenainen
Wonderful news. Praise the Lord!