Tuesday morning in Kyiv update 08.03.2022

I heard this song melody from evacuation bus by young driver from Rivne region when he was about to leave Kyiv with new group of refugees. 

He might be one of the choir singers you may enjoy. #Malynfest is (well, was and will be) the biggest in Eastern Europe Pentecostal youth camp for years bringing together 5-10 thousands youngs every July. This specific piece ”You are worthy!” empowered my soul so much. 

All glory belong to You!, we sing in Ukraine!

Having these great youth fighting for the nation we will sing it all together soon again. 

Come and join!

Yuri K, Kyiv


Kyiv Friday-Saturday 04.03.2022-05.03.2022


Wednesday war update 09.03.2022

  1. Carina Fredriksson

    This is one of great times when our Lord Jesus Christ is praised for who He is. His name is always Holy, His greatness is always over all things who happen and in the end everyone must bow to His name.

    Over every broken home, every broken street and broken hearts, He meets people who love Him.

    We continue to praise Jesus together, we continue to embrace the situation in our prayers.

    Blessed regards,
    Carina Fredriksson

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