Kyiv, Monday morning 28.02.2022

God Almighty is at work! I hear it from everyone.

Russian rockets dropped without explosion. Promised IL-76 and Grad never showed up. Enemy tanks run out of fuel suddenly. Russian occupants demoralized and got lost. They walk in fields and villages asking locals for bread and direction.

Oleksiy, pastor of Pentecostal Church in Bucha, where most severe battle happened during Sunday: “Ukrainian soldiers and officers telling me they are witnessing miracles from above. It is not our achievement only”, they say.

Despite tiredness, they renew in strength being witnesses of Lord. They also get support from civilians, pastor states.

The statue of prince Vladimir in Kiyv is watching over to the other side of river Dnjepr, where battles have going on for almost a week now. In the river of Dnjepr the first Christian baptism was organized in Kyiv-Rus 987-988. Photo: R. Lehtonen

Thou the face of our cities and towns are changed and we cry hardly recognizing our streets, people remain strong. Kyiv stands on its feet. Actually not only stands, the city works: checkpoints shifts change, donors line up to give blood, ladies join supermarket teams to provide bread, young people take food packs to seniors.

Kyiv end every regional center are under Ukrainian flags. God is at work.

Yuriy K from Kyiv

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R. Lehtonen


Marriage between man and woman – hate crime against people group?


Kyiv Tuesday update 01.03.2022

2 kommentarer

  1. Damir

    Thanks Rauli for this few encoraging lines.We are praying for Ukraine in Croatia.

  2. Carina Fredtiksson

    Only God is night! Only Him !He is the beginning and the end. He is active in everything and the darkness is not dark to Him – He sees everything. He sees his people! He will come to the rescue of his people! Amen !

    Carina Fredriksson

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