I received the enclosed message from Ethiopia one week ago. The chairman of one of the biggest Pentecostal churches in Africa, the Full Gospel Believers Church is facing difficult time and asks help in prayer and if possible in other way as well. Pastor, Rev. Yilma Wakie is leading a church of 6 million people. The church is member of Pentecostal World Fellowship (PWF) and I believe we need to show the love of the Pentecostal family. Share these challenges through your contacts, please!
The church in Ethiopia is facing the corona pandemic and is suffering because of that but it has other alarming challenges in the same time. Pastor Yilma writes:
“In addition to difficulties we had, a month ago, following murdered known Oromo musician, many of our church members highly victimized by group of fundamental M followers who killed many believers from all kinds of Christians (including orthodox believers) and destroyed their homes with all properties they have, business sectors,…etc.in southern and eastern part of the country. In places called Shashamane, Arsi egele, Kofele,Asasa, Dodola Adaba, Goba, Agarfa and Hararge.

More than 120 church member´s homes and their properties totally destroyed and those believers with their family left with nothing, Some of them are strong business people who support churches in every aspects. So that, the church exposed to critical financial crises. . Thus, we need your sincere prayer and financial support to rehabilitate the victimized members and to run the Great Commission task properly.”
Let us stay besides the Ethiopian churches and believers!
Praying for our brothers and sisters there
Dr. Arto Hämäläinen Chairman of the Pentecostal Commission on Religious Liberty

Carina Fredriksson
Kära medsystrar och bröder i Jesus Kristus!
Brevet och informationen ang Etiopien berör. Självklart åberopar vi hjälp från Herren. Jag undrar dock, finns någon som har andra säkra kontakter som t ex ekonomiskt stöd kan förmedlas på? Förslag på annat stöd under säkra former?
Carina Fredriksson
Raimo Itkonen
-Seurakunnissa voidaan kerätä uhri Etiopian vainottujen kristittyjen seurakuntien auttamiseksi taloudellisesti ja rukoilla Jumalalta siunausta uhratuille varoille.
-Etiopian hädänalaiset kristityt voimme pitää rukouksissamme muutenkin.
-En tiedä kuinka paljon heidän joukossaan on messiaanisia juutalaisia, jotka odottavat alijaa Israeliin, mutta taloudellinen apu on heillekin varmasti tarpeen.
Herrassa Jeesuksessamme RI
Roland Nelsson
Hej! Det händer så oerhört mycket i Etiopien på många skilda plan, andligt, politiskt, ekonomiskt.
För mig som har 55 års intresse av Etiopien varav 5 år på plats förundrar jag mig främst över den stora andliga väckelse som tag fart redan i början av 1960-tal då Yrkesskolan i Hawassa byggdes upp av Pingstmissionärerna som samtidigt höll bibelskola på plats.
Redan vid den tiden hade EFS funnits i landet under 100 år och bildat församlingar.
Idag böljar en karismatisk rörelse fram över landet och miljontals berörs.
Må kloka krafter se till att inte politiska och etniska avarter förstör!
wolde wakaso
We need voluntary brothers and sisters as well as organizations that work with us on the evangelism for the unreached people at the remote parts of Ethiopia. We have evangelists at these areas through the local churches in our country. One of such churches is the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church.